Who are you?
We are Grace and Sterling Crowder. Nice to meet you! We married in 2021 and began fulfilling our dream of farm life. Sterling bought this land long before we got married and we built our home together. 

Where are you located?
We are located near Fountain Inn, South Carolina, approximately 25 miles south of Greenville, or 85 miles northwest of Columbia. 

When is Grace's Farm Stand open?
Grace's Farm Stand is open every Saturday and Sunday from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m., or until sold out. Please follow us on Facebook to watch for schedule updates and product availability before making a drive! 

How do I place a pickup order?
Orders need to be placed on this website no later than midnight on Wednesday to guarantee pickup the following Saturday or Sunday. Items will be placed at the farm stand with your name on them. 

Can I pick up an order when the farm stand isn't open?
Unfortunately, no items will be available for pickup Monday through Friday. We are a busy family and have other responsibilities during the week (not to mention prepping for farm stand days!). So preorders can only be picked up when the stand is open on Saturday and Sunday.

Do you ship?
Yes! We do not ship food items due to laws that prevent it. But, we do ship our signature Crowder Farm t-shirts and aprons as well as Grace's whipped tallow moisturizer.